As many already know I recently spent five days in the OHSU ICU. For those of you who were fortune enought to not have been bored with the news... I was. I thought I was bit by a spider while backpacking and after three weeks of swelling and discoloration I thought it may be wise to see a doctor. I did just that. Doctor Pennington dignosed me with Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT), or a blood clot. I was then emmited to OHSU where I spent days getting medicine applied directly to the clot via a cathader. I am still alive and well.
The reason I post this deal here is to thank you to those of you who have prayed, called, thought, or extened any energy toward me during this event. Thank you all for the support and love. I can feel it. I couln't make it without my friends and family. I want to give a big, big thanks to my mom and dad for spending five days in the room with me. I love you both.