Since becoming a happy (and nappy) owner of a digimon I have become snap happy and carry it all over with me. It looks like I have found myself a new hobby. I figure this is a good way for me to keep a journal with pictures. So if you are interested I am happy to share my life with my friends and family who I don't see very often.
I wish to live each day in a way that is worthy of photos. At least be able to enough beauty in one day to feel the need to capture it in stillness. We will see what happens. Time can do strange things.
My bus is in the shop getting a new engine. It sounds like it is going to be another two weeks before she gets back to Bend. I am really excited to get my baby back. She is going to be fresh and ready to be lived in. I am excited. Winter is on the downhill side then I will be able to set up my hammock down at the park and have my own little campsite.
Peace and love.
"Each one has to find his peace from within. And peace to be real must be unaffected by outside circumstances."
guess what??? pretty soon, I am going to have a free tickety tick tock to south america (or hawaii or central america or europe or anywhere in america)
start saving your money again, okay?
Ghandi was almost as cool as you and Luke.
digimon is a wwwwwwonderful new hobby. go digimon!
Yo tengo amor del digimon. (I have digimon love)
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