In case you are wondering I am still alive. I am not writing this from my grave. Because the school wouldn't like my decomposed fingers on the keyboard, plus the people next to me in this computer lab might look at me funny and I don't like that. Speaking of looking funny- Here are some photos that look funny.

Nice pictures of your trip Colin. That shot of you stand on one leg on top of the mountain looks dangerous. I'm glad to see back on your feet, take it easy.
love uncle bob
Blah. this thing deleted my last comment. lame. It owes me a life-debt now. But as I was saying before, R2-D2 and i will swing by to say hello.
I guess you really would've had to read the rest of the comment before it got deleted for that to make much sense. Well, like most things in life, just takes it for what it is, and I hope to see you soonish.
lisa out.
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